Undercurrent: Pulled by Love of a River

According to the Marjorie, “The story of Florida’s environment is sometimes tragic, sometimes triumphant.” Apalachicola Riverkeeper Georgia Ackerman contributed recently to the online journal’s series, Dispatches from a Sinking State. The Marjorie, is “dedicated to bringing people together in the name of protecting Florida’s lands, waters, animals and people.” Waterkeepers Florida share this vision in protecting our state’s waterways.

Here is Georgia Ackerman’s contribution, “Undercurrent.”

“As riverkeeper of the Apalachicola watershed, Georgia Ackerman’s job is to protect one of Florida’s largest rivers and most expansive floodplains. That means speaking up for the natural environment and its inhabitants, but her work is also personal. For Georgia and many others, the Apalachicola offers peace, tranquility and a kindred energy that unites those who have felt pulled by their love for a river.”

Here is link to all Dispatches from a Sinking State series to date. 

“In our newest contributions to our Dispatches from a Sinking State series, six Florida women pull back the curtain on environmental changes in their corners of the state. These stories are all guided by care for our wild spaces, concern for the survival of our communities, and a vision of our ecological futures — all of which hang in a delicate balance.



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