Porchfest 2024

October 12, 2024–Saturday dawned bright, cool and alive with the sounds of nature to beautifully set the stage for Porchfest Music Festival.  Apalachicola Riverkeeper was privileged to join our good neighbors at Trinity Episcopal Church under the sprawling arms of ancient oaks and be embraced by the music and open-hearted joy of this remarkable community. We spent the early afternoon listening to talented musicians and sharing information about our mission and work on behalf of the water, land and people of the river and bay.  The turnout was impressive, and the spirit of giving was equally so.  Lawn chairs filled the grassy spaces and golf carts rimmed the perimeter. Happy faces, young and old greeted all, some singing along to familiar favorite songs, some dancing and others nodding and keeping time. Enthusiastic children and well-mannered family dogs alike seemed to enjoy the performances.  It was a good day to be an active participant in the life of this great waterfront town!

Written by Susan Anderson, Executive Director. Susan can be reached at [email protected]

Outreach Director, Trey Fletcher
Executive Director, Susan Anderson with Roy Stanley






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