Dear Kill The Drill Supporter,
Join us Monday, December 9th, at 1 pm Eastern when we gather in front of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) headquarters in Tallahassee to PROTECT OUR BAY by calling on Governor DeSantis to Kill the Drill in the Apalachicola River Basin.
Clearwater Land & Minerals, a Louisiana company, wants to drill for oil and gas beside the river. On April 26, 2024, DEP quietly issued a “notice of intent” stating that they planned to give them the drilling permit. This move undermines the significant investment by the State of Florida in protecting this valuable ecosystem for the last 50 years. It also threatens hundreds of our community business owners whose livelihoods depend on the bay and river. They are the oyster farmers, beekeepers, boat captains, seafood restaurants, and small businesses who make up the backbone of our coastal communities.
Join them along with local elected officials and conservationists from across the region at a press conference to remind Governor DeSantis that he can and should immediately tell FDEP to rescind all support for the permit. It is completely within the Governor’s power to fix this.
Why Monday, December 9th? That is the first day of the hearing related to the legal challenge, filed by our partner Apalachicola Riverkeeper, to the FDEP permit; the perfect time for KILL THE DRILL supporters to be seen and heard.
FDEP Headquarters (front steps)
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399
Monday, December 9th at 1 PM Eastern
We will have posters and buttons for you when you arrive. Please bring your colleagues, friends, and family to take this critical stand!
Go to our coalition website, for more information.
Thank you for your support!
Adrianne Johnson
Executive Director, Florida Shellfish Aquaculture Association